United in Charity – Wishing the Strauss Charity Arts Festival Success!

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慈善是艺术最温暖的回响。 作为联合国妇女联合会第一副主席兼艺术委员会主席,我尤为欣喜地看到,本次艺术节不仅是一场国际艺术盛会,更是一项凝聚爱心、助力妇女和儿童发展的慈善行动。本次活动由欧洲音乐家协会、维也纳索纳塔文化与教育交流促进协会携手联合国妇女联合会多方合作举办,预计将吸引约1,000名来自全球各地的参与者。艺术节所筹得的善款将捐赠给联合国妇女联合会,用于支持全球范围内妇女和儿童的慈善项目,为她们提供更好的生活条件和成长机会。

艺术无国界,慈善亦然。 在音乐和艺术的共鸣中,我们传递爱与希望,让文化的力量汇聚成改变世界的契机。衷心感谢所有为本次艺术节付出努力的组织者、艺术家、志愿者及支持者们,正是你们的善举,让施特劳斯的旋律不仅回响在维也纳的大街小巷,更延展到世界每一个需要帮助的角落。



周瑞卿(Mag. Rui Qing ZHOU)

In Vienna, the world capital of music, we eagerly anticipate the grand Strauss Charity Arts Festival, which will take place from July 26 to 30, 2025. On behalf of the UN Women’s Guild, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers, participants, and all those who support this noble cause. I sincerely wish the festival a resounding success!

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Johann Strauss II, a great composer whose legacy continues to inspire the world. Since its grand opening with the New Year’s Concert, the Johann Strauss Year 2025 has drawn worldwide attention. Among the many commemorative events, the Strauss Charity Arts Festival stands out as a particularly meaningful initiative dedicated to philanthropy.

Charity is the warmest echo of art. As First Vice Chairperson of the UN Women’s Guild and Chair of the Arts Committee, I am especially delighted to see that this festival is not only an international artistic gathering but also a heartfelt charitable endeavor aimed at empowering women and children. Organized by the European Musicians’ Association and the Sonata Vienna Society for the Promotion of Cultural and Educational Exchange, in collaboration with the UN Women’s Guild and other partners, the festival is expected to welcome approximately 1,000 participants from around the world. All proceeds will be donated to the UN Women’s Guild to support charitable projects for women and children globally, providing them with better living conditions and opportunities for growth.

Art knows no borders, nor does charity. Through the harmony of music and art, we spread love and hope, harnessing the power of culture to create positive change. My sincere appreciation goes to the organizers, artists, volunteers, and supporters, whose dedication has made this event possible. Thanks to your generosity, Strauss’ melodies will not only fill the streets of Vienna but also reach those in need across the world.

May the Strauss Charity Arts Festival resonate with the spirit of giving, bringing light and hope to women and children worldwide!


Mag. Rui Qing ZHOU
First Vice Chairperson, UN Women’s Guild
Chair of the Arts Committee

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